The Town of Poestenkill, established in 1848, is a vital and prosperous community that is rural by choice. We have pledged to protect its rich rural heritage and assets, as well as its scenic beauty.
Convenience to employment in Albany and Troy is a factor that has influenced our steady growth of new homes.
The Town of Poestenkill is governed by a Town Supervisor and a four-member Town Board. The Town provides municipal services including fire protection by contract with the Poestenkill Fire Company and Highway Department Services. Other Town officials include the Town Clerk, two Justices, the Superintendent of Highways, the Assessor, and the Code Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector.
Residents and potential new homeowners are encouraged to call the Town Hall regarding the ordinances. Copies of codes, as well as the process for applying for variances and more, are available upon request.
The Town of Poestenkill takes its name from the Poesten kill, one of the most important streams in Rensselaer County. The town is located just south of the center of the county and is bounded on the North by Brunswick and Grafton, East by Berlin, South by Sand Lake and West by North Greenbush. It is one of the smallest and youngest towns in Rensselaer County. It was formed from Sand Lake on March 2, 1848.
Before the Revolutionary War, the first settlers moved into this area from Troy, Greenbush, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and along the Hudson. Among the first settlers were the families of Lynd, Whyland, and Ives. Many other families began settling this area in the late 1700s and early 1800s.
Poestenkill is not a large town and that coupled with its location, it was not a very important route for stage traffic thus the number of taverns along the way was limited. The earliest tavern in town was owned by Samuel Delamater. It later became known as the Blewer Tavern or Union Hall. Later the first floor of the tavern was the local Post Office as well as a small store. The second floor is where James A Garfield taught writing. Dances and gatherings were held on the second floor.
The first school was established in 1788 on land donated by Patroon Stephen VanRensselaer and later became known as District 3. There were a total of 8 one-room schools in the town. The town sent many men off to war including the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War. It is comprised of four hamlets/settlements: Poestenkill, East Poestenkill, Barberville, and Ives Corners. Principle industries in town were the shirt and collar factories, a tannery, sawmill, and grist mill.
The first organized church was the First Baptist Church in 1814. Other churches in the western section of town were St. Mary’s of the Woods, a German Church, a Dutch Reformed church, and the Union Gospel church. In the center of town were the Christian Church of Disciples and the Lutheran Church.
Town Historian
Linda Sagendorf
PO Box 140
Poestenkill, NY 12140
Poestenkill Historical Society
Meets every fourth Tuesday from September through June at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall Meeting Room. Meetings consist of announcements, program, and refreshments.
Single Person $10
Family (1 address) $15