Mailing Address: P.O Box 210, Poestenkill, NY 12140

Phone: (518) 283-5119

Fax: (518) 283-7550

Office Hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm

Thursday 4:00pm-7:00pm

Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm


Town Clerk & Tax Collector

Susan Horton

Deputy Town Clerk

Lindsey Goyer

Water Bill Payments

Cash Control Officer

The Town Clerk is responsible for the collection and disbursement of funds to the state, county and local fiscal officers of all fees collected.

Registrar of Vital Statistics

As Registrar of Vital Records, the Town Clerk is responsible for keeping a permanent record of all births and deaths that occur within the boundaries of the Town, as well as all marriage licenses that are applied for at our office. Birth, death and marriage records are not open to the public for inspection.

Filing Officer for the Town

All local laws, oaths of office, affidavits of publication, resignations, petitions, annual budgets, fiscal reports, assessment rolls, bonds, and other pertinent town documents are filed in the Town Clerk's Office.

Permit Issuing Agent

Issues licenses and permits for marriages, dogs, conservation (hunting and fishing), games-of-chance licenses, handicapped, peddling and soliciting. Under the New York State Education Law, the Clerk's Office can issue Certificates of Residency to individuals who will be attending Hudson Valley Community College.

Records Management Officer

The Clerk acts as custodian of all permanent Town records and provides for the storage, retrieval and disposition of records for all departments of the Town. All records are maintained in accordance with New York State Record Retention and Disposition Schedule (MU-1). All Freedom of Information (FOIL) requests are administered through the Town Clerk's office.

Recording Secretary to the Town Board

The Town Clerk attends all Town Board meetings excluding Attorney/Client discussion and authors the minutes, which are retained permanently for legal and historic purposes. The official Sign Board for the Town is maintained by the Town Clerk's Office and all identified meeting dates and affidavits of publication are posted on the Board as prescribed by law.

Election Coordinator

The Town Clerk oversees all special, primary and general elections in the Town. In addition, the Clerk is responsible for the purchase, maintenance and storage of the voting machines and drawing of election district boundaries for Town Board approval. The Clerk works in conjunction with the Rensselaer County Board of Elections to register new voters and assist the Town's active enrollees.

Helpful Links

School Taxes

Please click the links below to access information regarding school taxes for different school districts within our area.

Averill Park



Rensselaer County Tax Bills

Click here for more information.